I will cover the remaining xml resources in future posts. I also plan on covering 9-Patch Drawables at a later time, but have no plans on covering Bitmap Drawables resources because they are so simple to use.
Shape drawables provide four basic shapes: Rectangle, Oval, Line, and Ring. From these shapes you can create an almost unlimited number of effects and styles for your application.
It should be noted that these effects are pretty basic... If you want to have shiny gloss effects or anything like that you will need to use image editing software to create the desired effect. However, these resources can be used to create very appealing user interfaces for your Android apps.
All four shape types support the following tags (some of the shapes support additional tags, but this is the set supported by all of them):
gradient: | Specify gradient backgrounds |
solid: | Specify solid background color |
padding: | Specify padding between the edge of the shape and its contents |
size: | Specify the width and height |
stroke: | Specify a stroke line around the edge of the shape |
One of the most basic shapes, and one of the most widely used, is the rectangle.For example, the following code defines a simple rectangle with a light green background, a dark green border, and padding values that everything inside the shape must adhere to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Specify a semi-transparent solid green background color -->
<solid android:color="#5500FF66" />
<!-- Specify a dark green border -->
android:color="#009933" />
<!-- Specify the margins that all content inside the drawable must adhere to -->
android:bottom="30dp" />
Now you can reference that drawable just as you would any other drawable. In xml it would be referenced as "@drawable/shape_green_rect" and in code it would be referenced as "R.drawable.shape_green_rect."
(Side Note: when I create resources in xml, I ALWAYS prefix them with the type of drawable it is... This allows me to know what kind of resource I am working with. and keeps all the resources of the same type grouped together in Eclipse. Feel free to name your files however suits you.)
The following screenshot shows the above drawable used as a background to a RelativeLayout that contains a single TextView element. Notice that there is a nice distance between the text and the edge of the screen... That is controlled by the padding value of the drawable because the TextView is inside the RelativeLayout. Try changing the padding values (or taking them out altogether) to see how the text positioning changes.
Here is an example of another rectangle drawable... This one has a gradient background and rounded corners. Note that even though I specify the radius for the rounded corners individually, you can use the android:radius attribute to specify that all corners should have the same radius:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Specify a gradient for the background -->
android:endColor="#55000066" />
<!-- Specify a dark blue border -->
android:color="#000066" />
<!-- Specify the margins that all content inside the drawable must adhere to -->
android:bottom="5dp" />
android:bottomRightRadius="10dp" />
Below are two screenshots that use a drawable with a gradient background on a TextView. The one on the left is using the drawable xml from above. The XML for the image on the right is not in this post but it gives you an idea of the different effects you can apply to your views. (Note: You can download the project that contains all the files at the end of this post):
The oval shape doesn't have any special tags... It only uses the tags common to all shapes. Nevertheless, this shape can come in handy (though personally I've never used it)...So, let's have some fun with these shapes... I'm not really trying to make them look good, just throwing some things together to show what you can do.
We'll take the following screenshot as our example... There are four different oval XML files in use here and they all show off different things:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:endColor="#FFFF99" />
This shows off the use of the radial gradient. It is important to note that if you are using a radial gradient you must specify the gradientRadius attribute or you will get a crash.
It also shows a use of the size tag... In my layout file I used @drawable/shape_oval_yellow as the background of an ImageView that has a width and height of wrap_content. Since I am using an ImageView and there is nothing inside of the drawable to define its size, the yellow circle would not have shown up in the UI if I didn't specify the size. Alternatively I could have specified a size other than wrap_content in the ImageView. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish one way may end up working out better for you than the other.
For example, if you don't specify the size in the drawable, then you could you the same drawable over and over and give it different sizes every time you used it. This would also be beneficial if you wanted to have the shape serve as a background for a TextView... that way the size of the text would define the size of your shape. But if you know you are always going to want images of a specific size then you would want to define that in the drawable itself.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<solid android:color="#0000FF" />
android:color="#0000FF" />
This shape is used in two different ImageViews, each one using a different rectangle shape as the background drawable and using this blue circle as the foreground drawable. I did this to demonstrate the use of padding... The blue rectangle shape only has a padding of 5dp on all sides while the green one has a padding value of 30dp on all sides. Since the foreground drawable is considered to be inside the background drawable, it adheres to the padding values specified by the rectangle drawables.
This file also demonstrates how to add a dashed stroke to a shape.
I realized there is nothing really remarkable about this file, so I have decided to omit it from this post. We have already seen everything this file is doing. If you would like the source for this oval you can download it as part of the project at the end of this post.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:color="#aa990099" />
android:bottom="10dp" />
This last oval is used as the background of a TextView so I decided not to specify the size. If I change the text in the TextView then the size of the oval will automatically adjust. It also demonstrates the use of a sweep-style gradient.
Hopefully this post helped you understand shape drawables a little better. I will continue with Part II of this post discussing the other two types of Shape Drawables: Lines and Rings. After that I will dive into some of the more advanced drawable types that can be defined in XML.
Comments, questions, or suggestions are always welcome, and I will try to respond in a timely manner.
Go to Part II of this series...
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